We have some special offers for our customers. If you help us we will reward you, it’s so simple!
Earn up to $25 in gift cards
If you write a review on yelp, citysearch, manta, and/or dexknows and email it to manager Rick Johnson at rick@centralaveautobody.com we will mail you a gift card the next day! $5 for each review or $25 for four.
We want to continue to serve our customers with the best service possible. Any questions call us at 612-781-2711.
Get Another $25 for Referring a New Customer
When you refer a new customer that gets work done you get a $25 gas gift card!
Have them mention that you referred them and we will contact you to send your gift card in the mail.
We know times are hard and every penny counts. So why not take a little time to earn some rewards!